Bible Character for Children


Authors: Caleb & Katie Garraway

“BIBLE CHARACTER FOR CHILDREN” was written by Caleb and Katie Garraway as an aid for parents, grandparents, Christian School teachers, and Sunday School teachers to instill Biblically-based character traits in the lives of the children in their sphere of influence.

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Bible Character for Children

The Bible commands parents to “train up a child in the way he should go,” and promises that “when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Part of training your children includes instilling Biblical character within their hearts and lives. In today’s world, there is a great lack of character to be found in young people, primarily because their parents, schools, and even most churches are failing to train them in it.

“BIBLE CHARACTER FOR CHILDREN” was written by Caleb and Katie Garraway as an aid for parents, grandparents, Christian School teachers, and Sunday School teachers to instill Biblically-based character traits in the lives of the children in their sphere of influence. With imaginative colorful illustrations, a Bible verse on which each trait is based, and a short devotional on their level, children will be taught 22 character qualities that include honesty, dependability, joy and forgiveness. With this foundation laid at a young age, your children can grow up with the wonderful knowledge of how to live and behave as the Bible teaches, following Christ’s example, displaying Biblical character. (48 pages)

Other books by Caleb Garraway.

More info about Caleb Garraway and Remnant Ministries. 

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