Contending for the Faith: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary on the Book of Jude


Author: Dennis Corle

 “This is an excellent work for this shifting, challenging, changing day!  The author has given material and splendid outlines to stir the thinking of pastors, evangelists, and Bible teachers, as well as laymen.”                 -Dr. Lee Roberson


“When I think of the book of Jude, I think of ‘Contending for the Faith.’  When I think of contending for the faith, I think of Dr. Dennis Corle. I do not know anyone contending for the faith of the Lord Jesus Chirst any more than Dennis Corle.  He has faithfully proclaimed the truths of the Word of God as an evangelist for many years.

     “In the day of liberalism in the pulpits, religious entertainment shows in the churches, lukewarmness in the pews, and doctrinal apostasy in Bible colleges and seminaries, we need, more than ever, evangesists like Dennis Corle and books like this book!  This book is a must read for every preacher, pastor, missionary, and evangelist that desires to ‘earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints’!”                      -Dr. Jeff Fugate

“I was greatly blessed by your handling of this book of the Word of God, Jude: Contending for the Faith, which is so pertinent in our own day. I was blessed by your thoroughness in dealing with every verse and phrase of the book.  I was blessed by the clear explanation given as to what constitutes ‘the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.’  I was blessed by the clear explanation as to what it is that we are to contend for, and who it is that we are to contend with.  In short, the entire book was, as is always true of your writing, extremely well-done, thoroughly Scriptural, and will meet a need among God’s people in a day of compromise and apathy.”                     -Dr. DeWayne Nichols

    “This is an excellent work for this shifting, challenging, changing day!  The author has given material and splendid outlines to stir the thinking of pastors, evangelists, and Bible teachers, as well as laymen.”                 -Dr. Lee Roberson

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