Perilous Times and Silly Women


Author: Keith Gomez

“America is progressing down the road of compromise, humanism, and secularism, drifting further and further away from Christianity. A fundamental change took place in America when it became very evident that women were changing in our Society….”


Perilous Times and Silly Women

Sermon by Dr. Keith Gomez. America is progressing down the road of compromise, humanism, and secularism, drifting further and further away from Christianity. A fundamental change took place in America when it became very evident that women were changing in our Society. Elections today hinge on the vote of silly women. These mouthy, rebellious and often raunchy, silly women do not have enough knowledge of how a country should be run, of history, or what it takes to maintain the freedom we have in this great United States of America. Preachers in America don’t have the guts to say what I’m saying because they are scared to death of the women in their church! God help pastors who fear women! What we see across America is the effect of these silly women across our nation, laden with sins, led away with divers lusts.

More books by Dr. Keith Gomez, Pastor of Northwest Bible Baptist Church

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Weight 0.0625 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .1 in


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