C. T. Studd: A Voice for God


Author: Caleb Garraway

The life of C.T. Studd is wonderfully captured in this easy-to-read, 62-page book. It is an exciting missionary biography for all ages.


The life of C.T. Studd is wonderfully captured in this easy-to-read, 62-page book. It is an exciting missionary biography for all ages. Readers will not only be intrigued by the stories within this book, but they will also be deeply convicted by Studd’s own words. For woven among the descriptive story-like narrative can be found quote after quote from Studd’s personal journals.

After surrendering his all at the height of his professional sports career, Studd passionately pursued the calling of God upon his life to reach those lost in darkness around the world. Because of His unashamed voice proclaiming the Gospel in multiple countries, on four different continents, revival spread and thousands came to hear of Christ and His love for the very first time.

C.T. Studd’s life of sacrifice can be summed up in this well-known quote: “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

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Weight .5 lbs


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