The Purpose of the Church


Author: Jack Trieber

In this book, Dr. Jack Trieber clearly defines the true purpose of the church and highlights several thoughts on what God’s people must seek to retain for the next generation.

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The Purpose of the Church

In a day when compromise and complacency are infiltrating independent, fundamental Baptist churches, many have succumbed to a more casual view of church and have lost sight of what God’s house ought to represent and accomplish. But as the Scriptures remain unchanged—so should the church. And it is the responsibility of every pastor, ministry leader, and member to uphold certain philosophies based on God’s Word. In this book, Dr. Jack Trieber clearly defines the true purpose of the church and highlights several thoughts on what God’s people must seek to retain for the next generation.

Author Bio:

Dr. Jack Trieber has been the pastor at North Valley since March 1, 1976. Since then, God has blessed this church each year with substantial spiritual and numerical growth. In 1977, the North Valley Baptist Schools were established; and in 1996, Golden State Baptist College was founded. Pastor Trieber is featured daily on KNVBC  – Revival Radio.

Other books by Dr. Jack Trieber.

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